4 Surprising Ways EQ Can Make or Break Your Ambitions

4 Surprising Ways EQ Can Make or Break Your Ambitions

The EQ Strategies you are Not Using (Yet)

It’s February 2025, and you have already given up on your New Year’s resolution.

I don’t want to talk about resolutions. Statistically, the odds are that 78% of us will fail.

Let’s focus on your goals and your aspirations.

As a busy professional, this might involve spending time exercising, saving money, or eating healthier. It’s tough, right?

Whatever the aspiration, your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) impacts most of what you do, not your Intelligence (IQ).

According to Emotional Intelligence Habits by Dr. Travis Bradberry (p. 181), 80% of what you do is driven by your EQ and not your IQ).

Let’s leverage your EQ (boosted by empathy) with these strategies you are not using (yet) to be the secret ways you achieve your ambitions.

You got it. Starting now…

Self-Awareness: You Can’t Hack Your Growth Until You Face Your Flaws

I have no issue setting goals for myself. The challenge has often come with finding the time.

I started a goal one year shortly after New Year’s Day to exercise five days a week at the gym after work. I slogged through it and dreaded the outing. My body did not just feel tired from the crushing weight of the weights I was lifting but also fatigued.

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4 Surprising Ways EQ Can Make or Break Your Ambitions by Colette Molteni

The EQ Strategies you are Not Using (Yet)

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