From Data to Dialogue
You brainstormed with ChatGPT, your trusted AI Chatbot, to flush out all of the details to talk about. What could you be missing?
Your excitement and sense of pride are not shared by them. They don’t seem to care.
To your right, one colleague is looking away, probably glancing at an update on their phone.
Another colleague gives you eye contact but looks blank, like they are looking right through you.
You presented everything, every fact, every innovation, all of it! The data is not getting across.
What went wrong?
Your hard skills were A+, but your soft skills fell flat. Your dialogue did not convey the message and did not make the impact you wished for.
It’s time to sharpen your soft skills, and AI can be a partner in doing so.
Strategic Thinking – From Hot Mess Firefighting to Strategic Thinking
Think more strategically – says the leader who has given his staff 50 menial tasks chasing their tails. You know you have seen this, right?
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