Stop Playing Defense & Own the Chaos
It’s Monday morning, and you get a ping that makes you cringe.
You are set to present to stakeholders the most recent development work done, but you have a “quick request” come in for a minor change.
You could get pissed off and shut down the stakeholder that just pinged you.
That would probably burn the working relationship.
What do you do?
These constant changes and “quick updates” drive you up the wall!
You do not have to be a project manager to handle the shifting project goals like a pro.
You can do this. Read on…
New Rules, New Game -Adapt or Get Left Behind
If you are an engineer, data architect, or project manager, you know the terminology: Waterfall, Agile, Six Sigma….Wizard of Oz. Okay, no, you don’t have that last one. It is one I said in the past week when I was trying to figure out my role in a current project. I suppose Wicked has been on my brain.
It’s a mistake to assume everyone on your stakeholder team knows these methodologies and is aligned on what they mean, even if they say, “I know what Agile is!”
Who has been on an Agile project, and it actually was just an Agile project in name only?
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